Barium Enema

Barium Enema

A barium enema, often known as a lower GI series or colon x-ray, is a special x-ray used to help diagnose problems of the large intestine which includes the colon and rectum. It is called a barium enema x-ray because the large intestine is filled with barium liquid. The barium liquid coats the lining of the large intestine and clearly displays any signs of disease or abnormalities on the x-ray. Your physician may have ordered this procedure, which is done at a hospital or outpatient clinic.

What problems can a barium enema or lower GI series detect?

A barium enema/lower GI series can detect conditions of the large intestine, including:

  • Polyps.
  • Diverticula—bulges in the intestinal
  • Wall cancerous growths
  • Ulcers
  • Fistulae—abnormal openings in the intestinal wall that lead to the abdominal cavity, other organs, or the skin’s surface
  • Inflammation
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

 When is a barium enema or Lower GI series used?

A lower GI series can be used to help determine the cause of chronic diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, and unexplained weight loss.


Mayo Clinic. 2024. Barium Enema.