Esophageal dilatation, or dilation, is a procedure that allows your doctor to stretch a narrowed area of your esophagus. Usually this procedure is done because you have problems swallowing, a stricture or achalasia. Before the procedure, you will need to follow prep instructions given to you by your physician which you need to follow carefully. Your doctor will perform esophageal dilation with sedation along with an upper endoscopy. This involves passing the endoscope through your mouth and into the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. At this point, your doctor will determine whether to use a dilating balloon or guided wire dilator to stretch your esophagus. Your doctor will then pass a dilating instrument through your mouth and guide it into the esophagus. If there are any special instructions after the procedure, your physician or nurse will discuss this with you. After your procedure, you generally can resume a normal diet but you are not allowed to drive after the procedure due to anesthesia. You will need someone to drive you to and from the center.
Reference: Saint Lukes. n.d. Esophageal Dilation. https://www.saintlukeskc.org/health-library/esophageal-dilation