Lab Tests

Your physician or nurse practitioner may have ordered blood work or stool testing for you to complete. Lab orders can be based on your symptoms or prior health history. Sometimes, your provider may order specific tests like a breath test or iron studies to get a full picture of your health.

Common lab orders


Complete Blood Count or CBC with differential measures the size and number of a group of cells in your blood. It includes:

  • Red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body.
  • Hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that carry the oxygen.
  • White blood cells, which fight off infections.
  • Platelets, which help clot blood.

A CBC with differential means it includes the different types of white blood cells like neutrophils. A CBC test can detect for conditions like anemia.


Comprehensive Metabolic Panel or CMP measures 14 different substances in your body including minerals, proteins and glucose (blood sugar). Physicians often order CBC and CMP at the same time to assess your overall health

Vitamin B12

Measures how much vitamin B12 that is in your blood. Celiac and Crohn’s disease can cause vitamin B12 deficiency to due lack of absorption.

Folic Acid

Measures the amount of vitamin B9 that is in your blood. People with celiac and Crohn’s disease can be folic deficient due to lack of absorption. Physicians often order Vitamin B12 and folic acid at the same time.

Vitamin D

Measures the amount of vitamin D in your blood. Vitamin D is important because it helps absorb calcium in your body to build strong bones and teeth. Many foods are fortified with vitamin D because it doesn’t occur that often. If you have celiac disease, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s; you may be at risk for developing a vitamin D deficiency. Liver disease can also affect absorption of vitamin D.


C-Reactive Protein or CRP measures the level of c-reactive protein in your blood, which is a protein your liver produces. Low levels of CRP are normally in your blood but your body will release more if you have inflammation, which can indicate an infection. A blood test like CRP can monitor inflammation if you have ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease as well.


Tuberculosis or TB test will tell you if you have TB bacteria in your body. TB is an infection of the lungs which can cause coughing, chest pain and fever. People with chronic long term conditions like Crohn’s or liver disease are at higher risk for TB infection.

Iron Tests

Iron is important because it carries oxygen from your lungs and carries to all over your body, and aids is growth and development.


Measures the amount of iron in your blood. An iron test can detect iron deficiency anemia and check for liver disease.


Total Iron-Binding Capacity or TIBC measures how well iron attaches to proteins in your blood. Often, Iron and TIBC are ordered together.


Measures how much iron is in your body.

Stool Tests

Fecal calprotectin

A fecal calprotectin tests can show if your intestines are inflamed by measuring a protein in your poop called calprotectin. You normally have low levels of calprotectin in your poop but if the levels are unusually high; it may be a sign you have ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease or an infection.


A c-diff test, also known as C.difficile, checks for a certain bacteria in your stool called c-diff. It can cause diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain and fever. C-diff bacteria is often spread by someone not washing their hands after using the bathroom. You can also get a c-diff infection while on or after taking antibiotics. Antibiotics can kill good bacteria while also killing the bad bacteria; increasing the chance of c-diff making you sick.

Stool culture

A stool culture test can detect viruses and other bacteria in your poop. It can cause diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, stomach cramping and loss of appetite.

Ova and parasite

An ova and parasite test can detect if you have intestinal parasites and eggs, which are call ova. This infection can be caused by someone not washing their hands after using the bathroom and spreads to any surface they touch.

Liver Tests

Anti-nuclear antibody

(ANA) This blood tests for antinuclear antibodies in your blood. You usually have a low amount of antinuclear antibodies in your body but an antinuclear antibody attacks healthy cells; which can be a sign of an autoimmune disease like autoimmune hepatitis.

Anti-smooth muscle antibody

Anti smooth muscle antibody is a type of antibody that attacks your body’s healthy cells; which is usually a sign of autoimmune hepatitis.

Anti-mitochondrial antibody

This test checks for anti-mitochondrial antibodies, which are usually found in your blood. This test is usually used to diagnose if you have primary biliary cirrhosis.


Ceruloplasmin is a protein made by your liver and attaches to a mineral called copper. Your liver then releases ceruloplasmin in your blood so it can carry copper to other parts of your body. If you have below normal ceruloplasmin levels, this could be a sign of liver or other diseases.

Alpha 1 antitrypsin phenotype

AAT is protein made by your liver and helps protect your lungs from irritants such as smoke, pollution or dust. If your liver doesn’t make enough, your lungs could be susceptible to damage and diseases like COPD and cirrhosis. This test is usually used to find if you have an AAT deficiency, which is genetic.

Hepatitis A total antibodies

Also known as HAV, this test will check to see if you have been infected with the hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis A is a disease that can damage your liver and is found in the poop of the infected person. It is usually caused by contact with contaminated food or water when a person doesn’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Hepatitis B surface antigen

Also known as HBsAG, this test checks to see if you have the hepatitis B virus (surface antigen) in your blood. Hepatitis B is a disease that can damage your liver. If it is positive, it means you have been infected with the virus. Hepatitis B can be caused by contact with contaminated needles, contact with infected blood or sexual fluids and unprotected sex.

Hepatitis B surface antibody

Also known as HBsAB, this test will check to see if you are protected against the virus. A positive test results indicates immune protection against the hepatitis B virus, either through the vaccine or a previous infection. Like hepatitis B and C, hepatitis A is a disease that can damage your liver. Hepatitis B can be caused by contact with contaminated needles, contact with infected blood or sexual fluids and unprotected sex.

Hepatitis C antibody

This test will check to see if you have been infected by the hepatitis C virus. Like hepatitis A and B, it is a disease that can cause inflammation and damage to the liver. Most people don’t have symptoms so it is important to get tested especially if you have shared needles, pregnant, have HIV or been knowingly been exposed to hepatitis C positive blood.

The three most common types of hepatitis are hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. It is important to note than there are vaccines for hepatitis A and hepatitis B but not hepatitis C. Hepatitis C can lead to chronic liver damage. The CDC recommends hepatitis C testing for all adults at least once in their lifetime.

Breath Tests

Suburban Gastroenterology has chosen Aerodiagnostics to provide breath testing services for our patients. Our office does not verify coverage, submit any prior authorizations, pre-determinations or claims for any testing ordered. Aerodiagnostics recommends that you contact your health insurance carrier to learn about lab coverage and pre-authorization requirements before taking any breath test. All insurance plans vary so please contact your insurance company to determine if prior authorization is needed. If you have any questions, please contact Aerodiagnostics at 617-608-3832 or email

SIBO breath test

This test can check for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine. SIBO can lead to symptoms like gas and diarrhea if there is too much bad bacteria in your small intestine.

Lactose, glucose, sucrose, fructose breath test

These are sugars which can be hard for some people to digest and can also cause symptoms like gas and diarrhea. These tests will check to see if your body is intolerant to anyone of those sugars.


Cleveland Clinic. CBC. 2024.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. CMP. 2023.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. Iron Tests. 2024.

Cleveland Clinic. Vitamin B12. 2024.

Cleveland Clinic. Folate Deficiency. 2021.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. Vitamin D. 2024.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. CRP. 2022.

Cleveland Clinic. TB test. 2024.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. Calprotectin Stool Test. 2024.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. C-diff Testing. 2023.

University of Rochester Medical Center. Stool Culture.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody. 2023.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. Ceruloplasmin. 2023.

NIH-National Library of Medicine. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Testing. 2024.

CDC. Hepatitis C. ND.

Hepatitis B Foundation. Blood Tests for Diagnosing Hepatitis B. ND.

Mayo Clinic. Hepatitis A. 2024.

Cleveland Clinic. Hydrogen Breath Test. 2022.