TIF Procedure

TIF, which stands for transoral incisionless fundoplication, is a noninvasive surgical alternative to PPI (proton pump inhibitors) medication treatment. In a healthy patient, there is a natural valve between the esophagus and the stomach that forms a physical barrier preventing stomach fluids from going into the esophagus. In some patients with chronic GERD, this valve has become dysfunctional. Many patients take reflux medications such as PPIs to help relieve their heartburn symptoms and reduce acid production. Even with PPIs, some patients are still unable to eat the foods they want or still have problems acid reflux, especially at night. In addition, recent studies have shown that long-term use of PPIs is linked to potential adverse health outcomes. The TIF procedure rebuilds the valve between the esophagus and stomach to prevent acid reflux. Many patients can benefit from this surgery including those who prefer an alternative to medication, patients with mild to moderate valve dysfunction and patients who are unable to control their GERD symptoms with medication. This procedure is also performed at in a hospital setting. During this procedure, the physician will insert a device into your mouth to rebuild the valve that connects the stomach to the esophagus.


Mayo Clinic. 2019. Transoral endoscopic incisionless fundoplication. https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/digestive-diseases/news/transoral-endoscopic-incisionless-fundoplication/mqc-20454990 

Endeavor Health. n.d. Gastrointestinal.  https://www.eehealth.org/services/gastrointestinal/#:~:text=During%20TIF%2C%20a%20surgeon%20gently,and%20no%20incision%20is%20required.